Monday 30 May 2011

How to get Facebook Chat History Even when Friend are Offline !!!

HI FRNZ!!!!!

Today we will teach you the trick of getting a Facebook Chat History even when the friends if offline. Normally you cannot get back the Chat history when the chat box is closed for a offline friends. But we have a solution.


But you need to do some simple steps to follow to derive the chat history :

1) The First step you have to do is get his/her profile ID.So you need to go to his/her profile , and go near thePOKE button and right click on it to copy the LINK LOCATION. The last 10 numbers is the profile ID.Please copy the profile ID.
After saving the profile ID ….

You need to use some javascripts to pull up the chat history of a offline friend.
Type :
Example :   javascript:Chat.openTab(100001005311169);
Next we have copy this javascript and paste it in the Address bar and hit enter…But it may take few attempts so that it works.
The javascript is ‘‘CASE SENSITIVE’‘…


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